Math Tutoring Service

See my Mathematics Tutoring Service on Thumbtack

A16. Treasure search

A treasure hunter is on an island which is in the shape of the unit disc, and they are located on the boundary at (1,0). The treasure hunter has a treasure-detector, which will light up if the detector is within 1/2 unit of any buried treasure. The treasure hunter can move along any path (say, continuous and piecewise infinitely differentiable) that starts at (1,0) and stays within the closed unit disk. The treasure hunter claims that they can discover whether or not there is treasure buried on the island (or in other words, that the union of all disks of radius 1/2 centered on points along the path covers the unit disk) by traveling along a path of length π. Prove or disprove the claim.

This is my revision of a problem sent to me by Apratim Roy.

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